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uAvionix (Aerovonics) AV-30 Certified - $1,995

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Here's a quote on a certification timetable (not shipping) from Uavionix at https://uavionix.com/products/av-30/#faqs:

"The AV-30-C is undergoing certification via the AMOC AML-STC process. This is a new risk-based certification methodology that is being supported for Part 23 Class I and Class II Aircraft. We expect to complete this certification by the beginning of Q2 2020."
Sounds good. Let's hope the fact the "beginning of Q2 2020" is April Fool's Day doesn't jinx it. :) We can check back in on this thread then and see if it's no longer vapourware.
Or if going TruTrak, Aspen E5 is the better bet as they are working together on integration. The G5's have limited integration and Garmin has no plans to help the TT guys, but that's another discussion.... The TT is a great affordable and easy to install autopilot, I highly recommend.

As far as STC/AML and 337.... Yes, you need a 337 when installing STC items. In the 337 you need to reference the STC/AML number, install manual numbers, the fact that you put the continued airworthiness and poh supplements in the proper places (I even include their part numbers in the 337 for all the paperwork just to be thorough). You also list the serial numbers of stuff coming out, stuff going in, etc....

I guess it is basically because an STC by nature (supplement to the original type certificate) means it is a major alteration....

The STC just gives permission to modify the airplane per the install manual.
A lot of guys think of the 337 as a field approval for a non stc item. A 337 is part of a field approval, but isn't one in the same. A 337 is legal if signed off by FSDO as field approval (good luck on getting that) or via STC.

That being said, I'm sure I've wasted a lot of time typing out some great 337's that NEVER EVER get looked at over at OKC, but they are good for the logbooks for any future owners of the airplane.
I think he's saying to TrueTrak and AV-30. Wait and decide next move. With TrueTrak that is an option. All other autopilots _require_ converter boxes to connect to AI, DG.
... adding to my previous comment.
There are two general approaches here you can take here.

One way is as @Klr94ss said - put an Aspen in it and maybe a TrueTrak. Project price will be $16000. If you have the means, go for it. You'll have an awesome system. You can call that "better".

The other way is... just do one part at a time as you need it. You'll never recoup even 1/3 of $16000 from a $50000 airplane. Instead, upgrade to AV-30. See when the time frame is for when they will eventually integrate with autopilots. Meanwhile, you don't actually need to integrate because TrueTrak follows the GPS and has its own heading mode. No, it's not coupled to your primary DG/AI. But for 10 seconds additional workload I don't see a big deal here.

You can call the second approach "better" because you'll spend less and maybe have more options available to you. Meanwhile there won't be anything lost because as a certified AI/turn coordinator I believe the AV-30 can serve as a back-up instrument for an Aspen later.

Personally I'm on the fence. If I get a fat Christmas bonus this year I might go with option #1. Otherwise, nothing wrong with #2 either.
The other way is... just do one part at a time as you need it. You'll never recoup even 1/3 of $16000 from a $50000 airplane. Instead, upgrade to AV-30. See when the time frame is for when they will eventually integrate with autopilots. Meanwhile, you don't actually need to integrate because TrueTrak follows the GPS and has its own heading mode. No, it's not coupled to your primary DG/AI. But for 10 seconds additional workload I don't see a big deal here.

You can call the second approach "better" because you'll spend less and maybe have more options available to you. Meanwhile there won't be anything lost because as a certified AI/turn coordinator I believe the AV-30 can serve as a back-up instrument for an Aspen later.

Confirmation bias here...but I agree with your reasoning. That said, Canuck's caution about vaporware is worth heeding.
Once we finish out the adsb install rush right now we are planning a 13,500 installed E5 and trutrak combo. We are finalizing details now and I should have us set up as a vendor shortly and will get all the details posted. I really believe in this combo and have it in my two planes I'm partnered in and we have customers that really love the package as well.
Confirmation bias here...but I agree with your reasoning. That said, Canuck's caution about vaporware is worth heeding.
I think we all have confirmation bias towards whatever we have put $$$ into. I'm still on the fence. I'm not happy with what Aspen or Garmin have to offer. Dynon is too "all-in-glass" for my taste in flying.

Let me reword so it doesn't sound like confirmation bias: This can be a baby step wait-and-see option for some of us. It's better than a mechanical gyro but without the big money and installation cost commitment of PFD. uAvionics is pretty much saying that's where they fit in the market space.

If I had a century I autopilot, pretty much any autopilot is better. So TT without any integration is probably quite good.

By the way, I don't. I have a IIIc with alt hold. My issue is that if I add expensive PFD I need to add $3000 worth of converter boxes to use my autopilot. And since TT is not IFR approach certified it raises issues for me.

My strategy is to see what comes out in Sun n Fun this year. I'm betting new products will be out for 2020, especially now that the ADS-b rush is over. uAvionics sales will flatten then drop off on ADS-b devices. Therefore they'll have to innovate. Hence, as a former product guy, I see a roadmap for the AV-30 that would make perfect sense.

For $2000 and almost no installation cost I'm happy to be a guinea pig to install it. If I don't like it I'm sure I could sell it for $1000 later. So like, a couple tanks of gas worth of trying it.

Let's hope it's not vaporware forever.
what are the install costs? someone already asked but no reply.
anyone know?
what are the install costs? someone already asked but no reply.
anyone know?
It seems it can be A&P installed because it's just an instrument. When you start connecting to autopilot, GPS etc. then I think costs go up and probably need an avionics shop for additional wiring. I think as-is you only need power and pitot/static. Connection to audio seems to optional. Connection to GPS for course is also optional.
It seems it can be A&P installed because it's just an instrument. When you start connecting to autopilot, GPS etc. then I think costs go up and probably need an avionics shop for additional wiring. I think as-is you only need power and pitot/static. Connection to audio seems to optional. Connection to GPS for course is also optional.
My local shop has an avionics certification (or whatever it's called). No one would ever go to them for a new install of a major system, but maybe that's enough to let them hook up an RS232 serial connector between an AV-30 and my GTN 650. :)
My local shop has an avionics certification (or whatever it's called). No one would ever go to them for a new install of a major system, but maybe that's enough to let them hook up an RS232 serial connector between an AV-30 and my GTN 650. :)
Understand, you will also need to configure the port for the correct setting and hope it all works right and nothing gets too disturbed.

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