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uAvionix (Aerovonics) AV-30 Certified - $1,995

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Until the autopilot interface is introduced or until I install G5 stack (either) I am stuck with vaccum, CDI and AI because it's part of the Century III. I'm looking at this as a replacement/upgrade for the turn/slip.

It might end up in the current AI spot in the panel but I'll keep the current AI and put it where the turn/slip is.
I'd do that as well when my mechanical AI eventually fails, if PIREPs for the certified AV-30 are good. I far prefer the form factor to the square G5, much less the bigger, more-intrusive competitors.
When you click the CDI mode it turns of GPS nav and drives the needles based on VOR or localizer. So how would that not also drive the AV-30? It's the exact same output.
It would be great if it did, but I don't think GPS navigators send VLOC data over the RS-232 serial interface, even when they're in VLOC mode. Does anyone know?

Also, the AV-30 docs say that it's only a "repeater display" in HSI mode, suggesting that it can't serve as the primary external CDI or HSI for a navigator.

That's not a big problem for me—I don't mind my analogue CDIs—but it might be important for someone else comparing the AV-30 to other options.
It would be great if it did, but I don't think GPS navigators send VLOC data over the RS-232 serial interface, even when they're in VLOC mode. Does anyone know?

Also, the AV-30 docs say that it's only a "repeater display" in HSI mode, suggesting that it can't serve as the primary external CDI or HSI for a navigator.

That's not a big problem for me—I don't mind my analogue CDIs—but it might be important for someone else comparing the AV-30 to other options.
We'll have to see what the certification looks like when it comes out. I think we'll see the STC by the end of December.
I was surprised to read that the AV-30 operates in non-slaved mode only. But, that does help to explain the lower cost.

That said, that would be a big disadvantage to me. One of the biggie pluses for me when replacing my analog DG, was the removal of the inaccuracies introduced by precession.

They could also have got a little more usable screen real estate as well, by squaring off the display, like the Sandia or L3.

* Orest
I was surprised to read that the AV-30 operates in non-slaved mode only. But, that does help to explain the lower cost.

That said, that would be a big disadvantage to me. One of the biggie pluses for me when replacing my analog DG, was the removal of the inaccuracies introduced by precession.

They could also have got a little more usable screen real estate as well, by squaring off the display, like the Sandia or L3.

* Orest

I really like not having to adjust the precessing DG every so often.
Same here. A slaved compass card is so nice.
Okay, but a deal killer? Really? 10 degrees per hour is that bad? o_O I know it's an annoyance but personally I'm not concerned about precession. I've been dealing with it for 10 years in my previous airplanes that would show a 300 degree turn when actually I made a 360 turn. If the precession is due to rotation of the earth or traveling either east or west then I'm totally okay with it because it's accurate.

Again, to me, this is a backup instrument. I will still have a G5 or Aspen E5 at some point. My only debate in my mind is which do I do first.

Also, read the FAQs please. It asks about magnetometer. They said their architecture supports it but it won't be released or certified for a year or two.
This seems perfect for me and I like the aesthetics.

From the AV-30 FAQs it says,

"If the installation configuration leaves no instruments that require a vacuum source, the vacuum pump system may be removed from the aircraft via a 337 field alteration process. The removal of the vacuum system is not included in the AV-30-C STC approval."

What is the purpose of that last sentence? A 337 will have to be filed no matter what, correct?

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