I saw this issue mentioned on another thread as part of a member's first purchase so it wasn't discussed at length and I figured I'd start a new topic on it.
Long story short, when I bought my ship two years ago this crack with the drill stop holes was noted by the AP during the pre-buy. It's on a stiffener inside the right main behind the spar. During my first annual last year with my new AP he noted the crack but said it wasn't properly fixed so he riveted a small doubler plate over it. I asked him why the crack was there to begin with and he said he's seen a number of these over the years on various Cherokees but that it was nothing to worry about, at least not in my instance as he didn't note anything else unusual. He said it could be an area where the skin is just stressed higher than normal and the crack appeared with age.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this and have they seen anything similar? The rivet heads did appear to be loose, since addressed since the doubler went over it with new rivets on the doubler going in where these are. View attachment ImageUploadedByPiper Forum1471210679.619536.jpg
Long story short, when I bought my ship two years ago this crack with the drill stop holes was noted by the AP during the pre-buy. It's on a stiffener inside the right main behind the spar. During my first annual last year with my new AP he noted the crack but said it wasn't properly fixed so he riveted a small doubler plate over it. I asked him why the crack was there to begin with and he said he's seen a number of these over the years on various Cherokees but that it was nothing to worry about, at least not in my instance as he didn't note anything else unusual. He said it could be an area where the skin is just stressed higher than normal and the crack appeared with age.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this and have they seen anything similar? The rivet heads did appear to be loose, since addressed since the doubler went over it with new rivets on the doubler going in where these are. View attachment ImageUploadedByPiper Forum1471210679.619536.jpg