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uAvionix (Aerovonics) AV-30 Certified - $1,995

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I also found this interesting: (FAQ's)

"We are asking for approval to utilize the AV-30 as a stand-alone attitude indicator, attitude indicator and directional gyro (dual unit installation), installation as a replacement for the turn coordinator (leaving the existing attitude indicator in place), and as the required backup in an EFIS installation."
"The AV-30 does not currently support vertical navigation display, but this feature will be introduced with the APA-10 autopilot interface box."
Autopilot integration will be accomplished in a phased approach. The initial autopilot support will be for STEC systems (which have their own roll/pitch source) and allow the heading bug on the AV-30 to drive the heading datum input on the autopilot. .... Follow on autopilot integration will occur over time, with most likely the Century systems first.

I'm still skeptical because this is not a proven instrument yet, whereas the G5 most certainly is. However, as a backup system I'm quite tempted to install this. Being that installation cost is probably no more than a few hours, why not? It's not much more cost than getting a gyro overhauled.
I'm excited for it to be released. It should be a pretty popular upgrade for many.

Looks pretty simple with pitot/static, power / ground, OAT and a gps interface if you want it. I bought one for my personal aircraft that we will be doing the install on so I’ll reply back after we get it in
Looks pretty simple with pitot/static, power / ground, OAT and a gps interface if you want it. I bought one for my personal aircraft that we will be doing the install on so I’ll reply back after we get it in
Can't wait to get your report. I'll hold off until you try it first :D
@Rick G

I've experienced one vacuum failure, one AI failure, one partial electrical failure (avionics stack), two pitot failures, and two wide-area GPS outages in 17 years, but that's not the main point.

If you're IFR, you legally have to have an alternative means of navigation. The G5 in HSI mode can fully replace one CDI (RNAV and VOR/LOC/GS), while the AV-30 in HSI mode cannot, so you're stuck still keeping an extra mechanical CDI in your panel. Not a huge deal, and it doesn't make the AV-30 VFR only; my point was that a VFR-only pilot wouldn't have to keep that extra CDI installed with an AV-30, while an IFR pilot would have to.
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Around coastal areas with military bases, GPS outages are common and occur more often than most pilots know. We have them several times a year from Melbourne Florida up to Charleston SC. It causes chaos with the pilots that haven't read the NOTAMS and have also forgotten pilotage and VOR navigation.

Besides planned outages, solar activity can degrade GPS with little or no warning. I would never be totally dependent on GPS, it's wise to have and use a backup nav source.
At their price point aren't they considered more as a vacuum instrument replacement? There are tons of vfr only airplanes that don't care or need that integration. It is however something that should be considered. It is only competition to the G5 in the vacuum replacement market.
If I installed one, that's how I'd use it -- I'd still keep my two CDIs as primary for my GTN 650 and my KX 155, and the HSI mode in the AV-30 would be just an optional situational-awareness extra (not even sure if it is allowed as a primary replacement for the CDI in RNAV, the way the G5 is). I agree with Rick in far preferring the AV-30's less-intrusive form factor, but I want to understand all the trade-offs.
@Rick G

I've experienced one vacuum failure, one AI failure, one partial electrical failure (avionics stack), two pitot failures, and two wide-area GPS outages in 17 years, but that's not the main point.

If you're IFR, you legally have to have an alternative means of navigation. The G5 in HSI mode can fully replace one CDI (RNAV and VOR/LOC/GS), while the AV-30 in HSI mode cannot, so you're stuck still keeping an extra mechanical CDI in your panel. Not a huge deal, and it doesn't make the AV-30 VFR only; my point was that a VFR-only pilot wouldn't have to keep that extra CDI installed with an AV-30, while an IFR pilot would have to.

a good condition modern CDI can fetch 1-2k on the used market, so one could factor this in to their decision making if you could lose the mechanical CDI in an installation. I was able to lose mine during panel overhaul and it was a welcome bit of cash that reduced the total cost. That second G5 just got a lot cheaper if you can think about it that way, while the AV30 not so much.
@Rick G so you're stuck still keeping an extra mechanical CDI in your panel.
Until the autopilot interface is introduced or until I install G5 stack (either) I am stuck with vaccum, CDI and AI because it's part of the Century III. I'm looking at this as a replacement/upgrade for the turn/slip.

It might end up in the current AI spot in the panel but I'll keep the current AI and put it where the turn/slip is.
Until the autopilot interface is introduced or until I install G5 stack (either) I am stuck with vaccum, CDI and AI because it's part of the Century III. I'm looking at this as a replacement/upgrade for the turn/slip.

It might end up in the current AI spot in the panel but I'll keep the current AI and put it where the turn/slip is.

Again, I said from the beginning - I'm looking at this as a "safer under normal situations" system while keeping existing system in place. Eventually I will replace gyros with either G5 or Aspen, then pull out the vaccum system.

The point here is this is a great, potentially lifesaving device for if gyros fail and partial panel is your only other option.

The one instrument that can be removed easily is the turn/slip. It doesn't connect to my autopilot. It's already electric, so replacing with an electronic instrument that has an internal battery is quite an upgrade IMO.

Regarding GPS - I haven't removed my NAV/COMM. In fact I have two of them. I trained on VOR and I've done ILS approaches. But let's not forget that even the navigators have a built-in CDI. When you click the CDI mode it turns of GPS nav and drives the needles based on VOR or localizer. So how would that not also drive the AV-30? It's the exact same output.

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