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uAvionix (Aerovonics) AV-30 Certified - $1,995

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@Jeev can you get an answer on something for me related to the certification? The details are sketchy. I know that the AV-30 will be certified as an attitude instrument. Does it also qualify to be a certified turn coordinator / slip? My strategy here is to maybe use this as the required backup for a G5, Aspen or other. I need to know if I'm on the right track or if the certification only supports AI replacement.

As many people have noted I don't think this is a direct competitor to the G5. How I am going to use it is a backup AI for my Aspen since the AV-30 will still give usable attitude info in the event of a pitot static blockage. The other plane with a Century III it will be an awesome replacement for the vacuum AI that drives the Century, when the interface is released, I am real tired if overhauling the AI every 5 years or so.

I am being honest with my customers and making sure they don't think that for $1999 and a few hours of install they can have full PFD functionality. I really do believe these units will continue to evolve with software updates and get there eventually but for now they are a GREAT backup or primary AI with a ton of cool extras. Just my opinion, what do you guys think?
@Jeev I agree with you about it being mostly a backup - for now. I have been an IT professional for 25+ years and I know how quickly things can change, especially when you get regulations out of the way.

As an aircraft owner, everything I invest into my cockpit is going to be there for a while because the cost of installation is the biggest limiting factor. Therefore anything I put into my cockpit needs to have a future. I am encouraged by what I see in the AV-30 development roadmap.

In my case I still have vaccum instruments. I'm still in wait-and-see mode for an Aspen or G5. I just don't have a compelling reason yet. My gyros are all working (as good as they can be for a vaccum system) and are quite stable.

Meanwhile the AV-30 is a great way to get backup protection. It's likely safer than an electric gyro.

Maybe an AV-30 will run my autopilot someday, maybe not. I like to keep my options open. It seems uAvionix is keeping that open design in mind for their product line. Garmin on the other hand insists that you buy all Garmin as if nothing else exists.

BTW.. I hate Apple for the same reason. You have to pay $50 for an adapter to plug in a SD card. Humph. You can keep it.

Back about 10 years ago, Apple didn't take Android seriously. Ooops.

Hello -

I am not an A&P / IA, its best to pose this question to the maintenance tech who will be signing your logs. From my private pilot, aircraft owner perspective I do think this qualifies and if I didn't have space in the panel I would replace my TC with an AV-30. I used AC91-75 to put a mid continent Digital AI in my Mooney years ago and would think the AV-30 would be the same especially since it will be certified for primary attitude.
As many people have noted I don't think this is a direct competitor to the G5. How I am going to use it is a backup AI for my Aspen since the AV-30 will still give usable attitude info in the event of a pitot static blockage. The other plane with a Century III it will be an awesome replacement for the vacuum AI that drives the Century, when the interface is released, I am real tired if overhauling the AI every 5 years or so.

I am being honest with my customers and making sure they don't think that for $1999 and a few hours of install they can have full PFD functionality. I really do believe these units will continue to evolve with software updates and get there eventually but for now they are a GREAT backup or primary AI with a ton of cool extras. Just my opinion, what do you guys think?

I would use it as backup LONG before I would use the G5..and the extra features would be a bonus!


even at an alarming rate of replacement, there are tens of thousands of Century autopilots in service, and only a few hundred of the new TT autopilots so far.

True.. but the aircraft owners spending AMUs are converting and upgrading to TT and others. ..

I know of Century units that are not working and will never be repaired.. The Century flock are not spending money on them, and I certainly would not buy instrumentation to interface with any of the old analogue and vacuum dependent technology.

And Century just quoted a guy on an other forum a repair cost estimate amount that was 70% of the cost of an installed TT Vizion. Care to guess the outcome of that situation? :) (A new radio tracker CIRCUIT board for a Century I (roll only) is $3300 US!)

I would think providing an ARINC 429 output would be the first priority. But... agreed... not my circus, not my monkeys… :)

Same round form factor, twice the price, but also much more functionality (including the ability to act as primary CDI/HSI, which the AV-30 can't).
AV-30 can't... yet. I'm sure they will.

I think the summary here is: when there's competition in the market (finally) we as owners all win.

Well played, Garmin. Well played.
Posting to this thread because it's relevant.



Ummm…. no....

Nice, but not a game changer IMHO... :)

Not competitively priced, not sure about the display, (expect it is not sunlight readable, as most will tout a TFT or better display in the features), and NOT for the GFC500 yet (!)

I can see some GFC 500 fans waiting longer... ... :(

And some used G5s coming on the market..

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