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uAvionix (Aerovonics) AV-30 Certified - $1,995

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Hmmm... dono… MAYBE 7lb. with everything out, minus whatever the cap weighs... there may be others here who can offer the weight after they have completed the removal...

I cannot recall EVER a flight where I was that close to gross weight.. where this would make a difference…

But for some.. perhaps...

I was looking for a reference that says what the autopilot interface will actually support. For example the G5, disappointingly only supports lateral. So by installing it I would lose altitude hold.
From the FAQs: https://uavionix.com/products/av-30/#faqs

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"Will the initial STC have autopilot compatibility?"

"Follow on autopilot integration will occur over time, with most likely the Century systems first. These interfaces provide roll and pitch, in addition to the heading datum, to the autopilot. This interface is accomplished with the APA-10 converter."
That's what I was looking for. Thanks.
I think it's market segmentation. They figure the ones buying the $2K AV-30 will mostly be the ones not paying $7-15K to upgrade to a new-gen autopilot: those people are all putting in G5s, Aspens, etc. That's why it's one-gen-old STEC first, two-gen-old Century second. I'm sure you could make a case for TruTrak after that, because it is the cheapest of the new-gen A/Ps, and there might be some market cross-over.

Cannot fault your reasoning Dave... that may well be the case, but for volume and retiring the R&D/Cert costs I would have to go with the installation base/fleet numbers....

For some reason, I thought the price spread was bigger. I like the form factor of the AV-30 better, but in DG/HSI mode, the AV-30 loses a lot for the tiny price saving:

G5 US $2,249 - can act as primary HSI for RNAV and VOR/LOC/ILS
AV-30 US $1,995 - backup lateral CDI, only, limited to "situational awareness", RNAV-only

Can the G5 operate in HSI mode without a remote magnetometer, or is that a required extra cost (understood most people would prefer it; just curious if it's required)?
For the G5 to work properly in DG/HSI modes you need the Magnetometer as well as the GAD29 unit for the VOR/LOC/ILS guidance on the HSI, but the cost is closer to the $3K price range on the G5 for the kit with the GAD and GMU. A G5 with just a serial rs232 connection won't give all the HSI guidance and the Magnetometer is needed for DG functionality.
For some reason, I thought the price spread was bigger. I like the form factor of the AV-30 better, but in DG/HSI mode, the AV-30 loses a lot for the tiny price saving:

G5 US $2,249 - can act as primary HSI for RNAV and VOR/LOC/ILS
AV-30 US $1,995 - backup lateral CDI, only, limited to "situational awareness", RNAV-only

Can the G5 operate in HSI mode without a remote magnetometer, or is that a required extra cost (understood most people would prefer it; just curious if it's required)?
For some reason, I thought the price spread was bigger. I like the form factor of the AV-30 better, but in DG/HSI mode, the AV-30 loses a lot for the tiny price saving:

G5 US $2,249 - can act as primary HSI for RNAV and VOR/LOC/ILS
AV-30 US $1,995 - backup lateral CDI, only, limited to "situational awareness", RNAV-only

Can the G5 operate in HSI mode without a remote magnetometer, or is that a required extra cost (understood most people would prefer it; just curious if it's required)?

The price point might be a little bigger in that on Aircraft Spruce the Garmin G5 Primary Electronic Attitude is listed at US $2,249 , but to be a primary HSI, the Garmin G5 DG/HSI is listed at US $2, 549. I'm sure someone can give you a much better answer, but from what I see, Aircraft Spruce packages the G5 HSI with the GMU 11 Magnetometer.
I saw an update on the ship date for the AV-30 as possibly late January. However, there is no word on which airplanes will be included in the initial AML.

I'm still leaning in this direction. It will be replacing my turn coordinator, using the rationale that both are electric, but the AV-30 has battery backup whereas the gyro does not.
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I saw an update on the ship date for the AV-30 as possibly late January. However, there is no word on which airplanes will be included in the initial AML.

I'm still leaning in this direction. It will be replacing my turn coordinator, using the rationale that both are electric, but the AV-30 has batter backup whereas the gyro does not.

ditto. Wondering what and where to get one installed.
ditto. Wondering what and where to get one installed.
It only needs power and pitot/static to work. Audio and RS232 to the GPS are optional. You won't get the heading if no GPS but AI and turn/slip will work. Obviously no audio alerts with no audio.

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