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uAvionix (Aerovonics) AV-30 Certified - $1,995

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Ummm…. no....

Nice, but not a game changer IMHO... :)

Not competitively priced, not sure about the display, (expect it is not sunlight readable, as most will tout a TFT or better display in the features), and NOT for the GFC500 yet (!)

I can see some GFC 500 fans waiting longer... ... :(

And some used G6 coming on the market..

@cappy48 if it's price as the driving factor I agree. Garmin is 2x the price. My focus as been on using existing round holes and not looking like a computer that flies.

I was just about ready to pull the trigger on the AV-30 as soon as it's out. Now I have another choice.
@cappy48 if it's price as the driving factor I agree. Garmin is 2x the price. My focus as been on using existing round holes and not looking like a computer that flies.

I was just about ready to pull the trigger on the AV-30 as soon as it's out. Now I have another choice.

Agreed! That's what makes the Aspen so attractive... Rectangular, (I like the larger displays, > old eyeballs) but it slips in the existing round holes without complaint. :)

Cutting instrument panels... not everyone is good at this.. I think it the "art" component of Avionics installs.

And more choices coming!

Too much info on a small screen. Game changer in as much as innovation in developing products that make flying safer.
Price point too high as is usual for Garmin products.
I think with no information coming out from uAvionics on timeline for certification and what autopilots will be supported, vertical guidance support, etc. it's difficult to understand which solution is better.

I see this as a game changer because obviously uAvionics has disrupted the market. It's a great idea to replace round gauges with round digital gauges.

Maybe Garmin tried to pack too many features into it? It would be great if they offered less features at less price. I still think uAvionics got the feature set nailed, and they allow you to declutter by changing the view to your liking. I need to see if Garmin can do this as well.
I think with no information coming out from uAvionics on timeline for certification and what autopilots will be supported, vertical guidance support, etc. it's difficult to understand which solution is better.

I see this as a game changer because obviously uAvionics has disrupted the market. It's a great idea to replace round gauges with round digital gauges.

Maybe Garmin tried to pack too many features into it? It would be great if they offered less features at less price. I still think uAvionics got the feature set nailed, and they allow you to declutter by changing the view to your liking. I need to see if Garmin can do this as well.
You can find the Pilot's Guide (among other manuals) here, in case you want to check the capabilities. Let us know what you find out.

I think with no information coming out from uAvionics on timeline for certification and what autopilots will be supported, vertical guidance support, etc. it's difficult to understand which solution is better.

I see this as a game changer because obviously uAvionics has disrupted the market. It's a great idea to replace round gauges with round digital gauges.

Maybe Garmin tried to pack too many features into it? It would be great if they offered less features at less price. I still think uAvionics got the feature set nailed, and they allow you to declutter by changing the view to your liking. I need to see if Garmin can do this as well.

Garmin's action does two things. (probably more but these come to mind).
1 - They validated the digital round display, thereby validating uAvionics products. Then moved it from an interesting sidebar of aviation tech to front and center.
2 - They may have pushed/motivated uAvionics to pour more resources (and maybe features) into their product to bring it to market quicker and more capable or lose a market they pretty much invented.
Garmin's action does two things. (probably more but these come to mind).
1 - They validated the digital round display, thereby validating uAvionics products. Then moved it from an interesting sidebar of aviation tech to front and center.
2 - They may have pushed/motivated uAvionics to pour more resources (and maybe features) into their product to bring it to market quicker and more capable or lose a market they pretty much invented.
Nice way of putting it. I think making it mainstream makes airplane owners more likely to buy into it, because resale value is always on the back of our minds. How is a future buyer going to perceive a round digital gauge vs. a full PFD.

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