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Piper Apache Fuel System Issue

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
Greetings all

I've been flying with a friend in their 1957 PA23 Piper Apache twin and we encountered a problem. I'm hoping the brain trust here can help us understand and diagnose the issue. It seems that all the fuel is draining from the right tanks and overflowing the left tanks.

Last week we departed the airport with almost even tanks that were mostly full. Both fuel selectors on mains and cross-feed on. Once at altitude we swapped to the aux tanks. We flew for about 2 hours and upon landing we noticed that the left wing was really heavy. Upon inspection we discovered that almost all the fuel was gone from the right tanks and the left tanks were very full and almost overflowing. We refilled the right tanks to even up the weight and flew back. Upon landing we encountered the same situation. The right tanks were low and left was full to overflowing.

We shut off all the fuel selectors, including cross-feed and let the plane set. It seems the fuel stayed put. We checked the vents and drain tubes but they are all clear.

Maybe the cross feed is malfunctioning?


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