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For Sale SOLD 1981 Piper Saratoga SP PA32R-301

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Jul 19, 2020
Reaction score
We are listing our 1981 Piper Saratoga for sale. We have owned the aircraft in a 2 person partnership since January 2020. It has been kept in a hangar at KRYY during its time with us and maintained by Silver Comet Aviation at KPUJ.

To start, this has been a superb aircraft. We needed more lift than our P35 Bonanza could provide, and this plane did not disappoint. The 300HP Lycoming IO540 has performed flawlessly and provides very nice cruise performance/economy. The plane will hold 102 gallons of usable fuel and can be run at a long-range cruise setting of 12.8GPH at 155knots. We added a Surefly Electronic Mag in replacement of the left magneto which enhances high altitude performance and hot start capability.

The G500 panel is combined with twin Garmin GTX650 Nav/Comms and a GTX 345r including ADS-B capability. A Flightstream 210 allows connection between the 650's and an IPAD equipped with either Foreflight or Garmin Pilot for wireless transfer of flight plans. We set the G500 in GPSS and allow the Century 41 autopilot to fly a full route and it's capable of shooting a coupled ILS or LPV approach to minimums.

The interior and exterior were renovated in 2008 and still present very well. We are the owners, and not a professional listing agent so would actually prefer to discuss the details with a potential buyer rather than try and list everything here. I will include a sample weight and balance along with the aircraft photos. Log Book photos will be available shortly through a Google Drive Link. Thanks for your interest!


1981 Piper Saratoga PA32R-301
SN 32R-8113035
Airframe Total Time 7863.3


Lycoming IO-540-K1G5
Serial# L-4036-48E
The Engine was rebuilt at 2371 Hrs and reinstalled 3/25/2009 0 SMOH.
Currently 1480.8 Hrs/ 2000Hr TBO.
Annual was performed 09/23/2022
Last compression test 76/80/76/80/80/78


Major upgrade 07/12/2016 to include:

Garmin G500 Flight Display and MFD System
2 Garmin GTN 650 Nav/Com/GPS with twin Antenna
Garmin Flightstream 210
Garmin GTX 345R Transponder
JPI EDM 930 Engine Monitor
Sandia SAI 340 Quattro Standby ATT/ALT/AS
PS Engineering PMA 8000BT 6 place intercom


Century 41 Autopilot
PN 1D757-1002003
SN 1145D
Rebuilt By Century Flight Systems on 7/30/2019


Hartzell 3 Blade HC-C3YR-1RF
Blade Design F7663R
Last rebuild 4/20/2012

Recent and Noteworthy Maintenance:

Landing Gear Hydraulic Pack replaced 3/2022
#1 GTN 650 replaced 04/2022
Brake Disks and Linings 05/2022
Annual Performed 09/22/2022
Landing, Position, Navigation, and interior overhead lights all upgraded to L.E.D.
Instrument Certification 03/30/2023

We are happy to discuss any of the details on request. You can contact either of us at:

[email protected]
[email protected]

We are asking $259,000

Thanks for your interest,



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