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Navajo PA31-310 Gear Issue

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Active Member
Jan 28, 2020
Reaction score
Hello all,

I am a relatively new owner of a 1974 PA31-310, which i purchased in June 2020. At the annual this month, the forward Main Landing Gear braces needed to be changed as they had timed out on an Airworthiness directive. Since the annual, I have been experiencing an issue with the left main gear. The gear is operating normally on jacks, but in flight, the LMG is coming down, but the light is not coming on, and the handle returning to neutral normally. Sometimes it is 30-60 seconds for it to activate, sometimes it is in ground effect. The mechanics have done everything per the service manual, but cannot seem to get it to repeat the problem on the ground, but it acts up repeatedly in the air. I have had at least 6 different mechanics look at it. Theye have adjusted the gear itself, the downlock switch, and one even adjusted a switch inside the inner gear door, which seemed to work, as on the test flight it worked three times, but on the next flight the problem was back. Does anyone have any experience with this issue, or know of a good Navajo shop in the Northeast, that I may be able to see to help.

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