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Hydraulic pump cycling in ‘77 lance

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Zack Kellis

New Member
Dec 4, 2023
Reaction score

I’m on my third pump and their mechanic. I could really use some help.

My original pump failed in flight. We replaced it with a rebuilt prestolite. The gear then failed to retract after four or five landings, supposedly because there was a leak in the box under the middle seats that had been undiagnosed by mechanic #1. The leak was repaired.

Five landings later: That pump failed to extend. Supposedly because gunk got into the pump during the leak repair and the system wasn’t flushed. We converted from the prestolite to the oildyne. The gear sometimes make a noticeable “thump, thump, thump” when gear is extended that it didn’t before. The thump is immediately upon release, not when it locks.

After about five landings: pump began throwing the breaker. This has not happened with previous oildyne pump.

We replaced the pressure control switch, and the gear is taking 6 or 7 cycles to get gear up, and is occasionally throwing the breaker, still.

Some people on internet say that there should be a new 1400 psi pressure switch (instead of the the oem 1800 psi switch)to be used with oildyne pump, but Piper says that is not the case.

Other facts of note:

I have the second pump, the prestolite that had gunk in it. The manufacturer agreed to rebuild it and send it back for a heavy discount. So, I could replace the pump cheaply.

Before all this happened, I had a blowout on my left main and went off into the grass at 10-15mph. We had to tug it out slowly and carefully from the wet grass by the front gear. The mechanics have looked at it and don’t see anything wrong.

I also had a new alternator installed about 5 Hobbs hours before the original gear issue.

My best guess: replace the third pump with the rebuilt second pump and bet that there is something wrong with installation of the third pump or the third pump does in fact require a lower psi switch.

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