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Looking for a Tomahawk

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Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
Reaction score
Hello everyone;

I am looking for a Piper Tomahawk.

Ideally one that was never a trainer, and in really good shape. I don’t mind if someone has already made some mods like some glass cockpit additions etc

I am aware that there are two right now online. One is $50k but both the engine and prop are at TBO and I don’t think the price reflects that $25k alone cost for the engine.

Please keep me in mind if you see one in your tracks. I know there are plenty of rough ones about but I’d love to take a clean well taken care of one.

I’ve trained and got my PPL in a tomahawk and the rest of my time in an archer but they are just too much $$$ to buy and operate for time building.

Thanks in advance!!!

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