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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
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"Nope! If I were you I won't touch it with a ten ft pole, you'll definitely have huge problems with that engine" !!!

That is what I was hearing few years back when I was looking at an extremely clean and reasonably priced 172 Skyhawk. Unfortunately it was too far away for me to take my trusted A&P there to inspect it for me...
Aaaanyways, after listening all those pilots around the airport and at forums I met who were more experienced than myself telling me possible "horror stories" will be waiting to happening me, I said to the seller "Sorry but I'll pass on your beautiful plane"... Of course it was sold the next day.
Since that incident 4 yrs passed and I contacted the person who bought that plane with the engine supposed to have huge issues, and flew it from CA to TX.
He said in the past 4 years to day there has never been any issues with that engine and flying all over the country with that head turner plane. Plus since the markets changed, the value of that plane now almost doubled what I could've have it for 4 years ago.

So, since I can not afford a brand new SR22T or even a used one with a budget like mine I am looking 1970s Cherokees, Tomahawks, 150s etc..,. and the ones I am coming across are mostly in the same situation as the 172 I acted like a wuss and skipped away..

They are not being flown since 15-24 months for various reasons other than mechanical problems whether owner passed away, lost medical, got divorced, too rich to fly that cheap thing, too poor to fly that money sucking thing, etc. etc.
Of course almost all of them are out of annual.

My question is, what are the chances of disastrous results to get into an airplane with TTAF under 4000, and with SMOH 1500, and anywhere between 500-700 hrs before reaching its TBO hrs. BUT not being flown since a year or two...???

Of course I understand there are various conditions and situations that may decrease or increase the chances like what kind of a climate the plane was located, beach, desert??? Was it kept in a hangar for 2 years or sat on the tarmac? What brand/model engine etc, etc...

But again, in general did any one of you ever experienced personally or witness such disastrous engine issues with a plane which was purchased after sitting dormant for over a year or two?

Or is it commonly possible to bring those kind of engines back to life and fly safely without spending another $15k-$30k for an overhaul?

Engines I am talking about are mainly O-235 L2C and O-200 A basically?
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