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Instruments Available from Upgrade (GI-106A, AI, DG, Vacuum)

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Mar 17, 2017
Reaction score
Leesburg, VA
I am upgrading my panel to two Garmin G5 units so I will have the following items available for sale in a week or so. All are fully functional when removed and I have video confirmation available from two weeks ago.

1) SOLD Garmin GI-106A ($1,200)
2) RC Allen Attitude Indicator RCA22-7 ($225)
3) Sigma Tek Autopilot DG Model 4000 C-1 ($250)
4) Tempest Tornado Dry Vacuum Pump Model 3000 215CC (about 100 hrs on it. New in 2018) ($200)

Priced to lower-end of eBay sold history. PM me if interested. I will send pictures after I pick up the plane.

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