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Pulled the Trigger on the GTN 650xi and GI 275

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Feb 15, 2012
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Things finally started to fall in place for me and I became confident as to what I wanted to do. The package for my PA 28 151 (180) will be Garmin GTN 650xi with a GI 275 ADAHRS + AP (roll steering to my STec 20) with the GMU 11 magnetometer.

I sold my NIB GI 106B and was only $650 out of pocket for a second GI 275 MFD at Spruce.. This unit has a CDI plus a number of other pages I can configure such as HSI, HSI map, CDI, Map, Terrain, Traffic, Weather and EIS (engine info system). So it won't just sit there with glideslope needles waiting to be used. Not doing the EIS now, as I have a UBG-16 that is working well.

Also adding the OAT GTP 59 and the VFR GPS antenna for the second GIS 275. Plus a little touch I have been envying--a MD 93H clock with 2 3.0 amp USB outlets in an easy reach to my yoke mounted Ipad Mini. I am really annoyed by long cables stretched across the cabin to the cigarette lighter outlet. Keeping the Aera 660 which works fine as a MFD plus backup GPS. The existing GTX 345 will link to the GTN 650xi, the two 275s and the Aera 660. The Aera 660 is now hard wired to the GTX 345 so that the two blue tooth channels are available for pilot and copilot IPads.

There were several parts issues I was not aware I needed such as a digital encoder. There is also the possibility that the strobe on the vertical stabilizer will interfere with the magnetometer and I will need to switch that to a LED, something that was on my list anyway.

Maybe next year I will go the full vacuum free route and swap out the DG for a full HSI 275 ADAHRS. For the moment no more couch cushions to mine for additional funds! There will also be sales tax. If you keep thinking about it long enough you get used to the cost.

For now, the work is being done at my home field KOSU and they had a hole open up in their schedule almost immediately. I was prepared for a wait as everyone seemed to be booked up until next year so that was a big plus.

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