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How much should I sell used spark plugs for?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
I have 2 sets of used spark plugs from my turbo-Arrow that I would like to get rid of. Are they worth anything to resell? The electrodes look to be in good condition, however there is rust along the threads. I removed these plugs a few years ago when we were having lots of ignition system problems....the trouble turned out not to be the plugs, but the magnetos. By the time we had fixed the problem, there were two sets of reasonably good plugs sitting on the bench. I eventually put in Tempest fine wire plugs and got a new mechanic......have not had any trouble since!

The plugs are: Champion RHM38E Massive Electrode plugs (14 in total)

The second set is Champion RHM38S Iridium Fine Wire Plugs (set of 12)

Any suggestions? Are the plugs worth anything for scrap Iridium value? Thanks in advance for any opinions.

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