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Spark Plug change tool suggestions

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PA 28 - 181 Archer III
Supporting Member
Apr 13, 2017
Reaction score
Looking for suggestions...

I have the correct " Tempest " socket, thread anti seize and a " typical " torque wrench, but looking for input on...

1. " Stubby " torque wrench that will work with the bottom cowl still on. My standard torque wrench will get to all the plugs except the bottom two on the pilots side. ( 2001 Archer III )

2. 7/8" wrench for the " big nuts " on the leads. Top ones are easy to get to using a standard open end...and I can get to the bottom ones ... but surely there is a better wench for them.

I've gotten through the oil and filter changes and safety wiring just fine... now I need to get the spark plug methods / procedures worked out :)

Any input appreciated...

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