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New and Used Aircraft Parts

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Jul 9, 2018
Reaction score
Greetings Piper drivers! I was able to get my hands on a bunch of new aircraft parts to include Whelen LED lights, Tempest and Champion spark plugs, Lord engine mounts, Stratus USB chargers, and fuel caps (not new). My online store has everything listed with the associated pricing. You can order them off my website - www.gallagheraviationllc.com/products and if you have any questions you can email me at [email protected]. Details of what I have in stock are below

1. Numerous used Shaw 431-9 fuel caps plus fluorosilicone o-ring kits - $149.99 each

2. Two new Shaw 431-248 fuel caps plus fluorosilicone o-ring kits - $199.99 each

3.Numerous used Shaw 531-001 fuel caps plus fluorosilicone o-ring kits - $149.99 each

4. Two new Whelen 14V recognition lights model 7188800 - $249.99 each

5. One new Whelen 14V recognition light model 7112511 - $249.99

6.Two new Whelen 28V Orion 600 series wingtip position/strobe lights. I have one red and one green light - $499.99 each

7. Two new Whelen 14V Orion 600 series wingtip position/strobe lights. I have one red and one green light - $499.99 each

8. One new Whelen 14V Microburst series wingtip position/strobe lights. I have one red and one green light - $309.99 each (Good for experimental/LSA aircraft)

9. One new Whelen 14V Microburst tail light. It is a white position light with strobe - $209.99 each (Good for experimental/LSA aircraft)

10. One new Whelen 14V Parmetheus Plus PAR36 landing light. This is model number 7179820, new in the box. It came off a wingtip landing light kit for a Seneca and can be installed with a logbook entry. $199.99

11. Twelve Champion RHM38S Iridium fine wire spark plugs - $95 each. An application guide can be found here - https://www.championaerospace.com/pdfs/AV-14.pdf

12. Twelve Tempest URHB36S fine wire spark plugs - $309.99 for a box of four. An application guide can be found here - https://www.tempestplus.com/Portals/0/PDFs/SparkPlugApplication/Tempest App GuideV6 24x36.pdf

13. Two new Stratus Appareo USB adapters - $299.99 each.

14. Four new Lord J-12453-1 engine mounts - $149.99 each. See an application guide from Aircraft Spruce here - https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pdf/lordbrochure.pdf

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