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GNS430W Intermittent Failures

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Active Member
Mar 13, 2017
Reaction score
Hey Everyone,

Having some issues with my GNS430W losing GPS signal. The failure is very intermittent, but seems more pronounced now, usually once a flight for about 3-4 minutes I get "NO GPS POSITION". If I disconnect my 210 the GPS receiver is still working on my Ipad. This has happened at all different locations including on the ground. Spoke with Garmin and a Garmin dealer, both told me to shut off my phone and the cellular on my ipad and no joy still. They gave me frequency ranges that might cause interference and I get the failure still when I am not in those ranges.

Wondering if anyone else has had any similar issues and what their fix was. Possibly an intermittent failure in the GPS antenna? Maybe in the unit itself? I had a Garmin dealer do a bit of troubleshooting and they couldn't replicate it however I will likely take it back for a more thorough troubleshoot.

Thank you

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