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Garmin Pilot AHRS Display - data sources?

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Oct 29, 2019
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I've been using Garmin Pilot with my GTX 375 and GI 275 Garmin panel avionics, and I'm very happy with the system except for one thing: In order to capture traffic and weather in addition to air data, both of these panel instruments must be paired with the iPad running Garmin Pilot. This means that I can't control which AHRS sensor is being displayed on the Garmin Pilot "Navigation" panel. I would greatly prefer to be able to select the internal AHRS within the GI 275 as the Garmin Pilot source. It seems to default to the GNX 375 built-in AHRS, which needs to be "leveled" manually once in a while. The GI 275 AHRS is rock-solid and only needed to be calibrated during install. Any idea how to set the preferred AHRS source in Garmin Pilot (or elsewhere?) If I disconnect the GNX 375's Bluetooth connection to the iPad, it shows the GI 275 AHRS, but then I don't have the backup AHRS available that's built in to the GNX 375. (There was a time before Garmin Pilot issued an update where the GI 275 AHRS showed up as a black screen on Garmin Pilot, so Garmin recommended connecting only to the GNX 375 then. When you do that, all of the data making it to Garmin Pilot is GPS-based, and not IAS or TAS.)

Any ideas?

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