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GDL88, FS210 & iPhone 6+ PIREP

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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
Just got my Dakota back after some avionics upgrades & a new prop. I added a GDL 88 & FS210 and had some other miscellaneous things done like fix a dim 430W screen, add louder/new sonalerts for Aspen altitude alerters, AP disconnect, and AP pitch trim overrun. Added extra 12V & music inputs by the pilot side, added air data data from Aspen to the 430s and added SV to the Aspen PFD/MFD.

First thing is that I switched to Garmin Pilot from FF and I must say the more I use GP the more I like it better than FF. FF still has better weather pre-flight info but outside of that I prefer GP especially since I use an iPhone 6+ on the yoke and GP's iphone version does just about everything the ipad version does including scratch pad, synthetic vision, traffic, etc... so much better than FF. The integration between the G430Ws and the ipone/ipad is great. Love being able to plan at home and simply upload FP when I get to the plane and if I change a route on the G430Ws it automatically shows up on the Garmin Pilot app. Very very sweet. The traffic & ADSB data is very usable on the 430Ws and of course on the iphone/ipad.

Today I had my first traffic "alert" from the GDL88. Was flying low (3K) and looking out the window although winds were a bear so flight was VERY bumpy and not very relaxing so scanning for traffic was not as easy. Anyhow I get a traffic alert warning over my headset... "Traffic, 12 o'clock, Below, climbing" I perk up and look forward and down the window and see a Cessna about below me climbing opposite direction. After that I notice the Garmin Pilot & my 430W's have the traffic warning on the main screens. Wow. Really nice thing to have and although not perfect much better than not having anything! SV on the Aspen is nice but not as nice as the Garmin Pilot & FS210 implementation so glad I opted for the 10 hour free demo as I don't think it's worth the $2500 upgrade.

Anyhow just PIREP for those of you looking into GDL88/FS210. One of the key reasons I went this route was I wanted a system that gave me aural alerts for traffic w/ specific target info (distance, bearing, altitude, etc...) so I did not have to pay attention to a screen to identify traffic and so I could focus outside once a traffic warning was identified and very happy w/ that choice.

Here's a picture of the panel & iphone 6+ setup for those of you wondering how it would work on the yoke. Very happy with it.


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