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Free club seat set for PA32

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2016
Reaction score
[edit - he said PA34.... I didn't proofread well enough and can't change the thread title]

Hey everyone.... Over on the Beechtalk forum there's a guy who is giving away the middle and rear seats for a PA34. Only catch is that you gotta go pick it up from him in California. With his permission, here's the text of his post. You'll have to join BT to get hold of him, but it's free and easy to do.
Yup, free. Only catch is, you have to come get them. I'm not gonna pack 'em. Located at KRHV, San Jose California. You take them all with you, don't care if you put what you don't want in the dumpster on the way out, but they leave the hangar as a set. No picky-part nonsense.

1 set of club seats:
*2 mid row (rear facing),
*2 rear with pop up arm rest (slightly different than the rear seats from standard seating),
*1 ice chest/console.

In glamorous whorehouse-red velour, condition - dirty, uncertain of any mechanical issues or repairs needed to be airworthy, appears to be complete, but no guarantee. You will of course, want to re-upholster them and fix them up all pretty. Probably got a black widow spider or two hiding in them. (no, not kidding they're everywhere out here).

Was going to stick them in my Seneca years ago, but turned out not possible on my particular serial number. So, they went into a box and were long forgotten.

This set came out of a PA34-200T (late 70's model). That's all I know about them.

So yes, free, as long as you come and get 'em and take 'em all.
Search for Larry Barras.
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