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Piper Seneca / Cherokee 6 Club seating set

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Nikolaus Slama

New Member
Nov 14, 2019
Reaction score
KSNA South Orange County, CA
For sale, I have a set of the club seating from a Piper Seneca Pa34 - 200T. I ended up finding them and was gonna use them for a project, and knew that If that project failed I could just resell them. They are in decent condition. realistically, these would be amazing seats for converting a Seneca or Cherokee to club seating for a new interior. the styrofoam is still intact in the cooler and just needs to be cleaned. no cracks in the styrofoam. the covering has seen better days for sure but it's realistically for a person that wants a new interior. I don't really know what they're worth but I know the cooler is a pretty rare item that can't be bought from Piper. shoot me reasonable offers and let me know what they're worth to you. I have no problem shipping. I figure I could get the entire set shipped for under 120 bucks to the lower 48.

Thanks, Nik


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