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Cherokees to Oshkosh Registration Closes May 31, 2022

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Mitchell Kahn

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2019
Reaction score
Registration to fly the Mass Arrival to OSH with Cherokees to Oshkosh (PA28, PA32, PA24, & PA34 drivers) and our friends who fly Grummans (AA-5B, AG-5B, AA5, AA1, AA1A, & AA-1B) will close next Tuesday, May 31.

You need to attend at least one of our 3 remaining clinics.
June 3-5 KFKA, Preston, MN
June 11-12 S33, Madras, OR
June 24-26 KGDW, Gladwin, MI

Flying with dozens of similar planes in the mass arrival is, as one of our regular participants famously said when I attended my first clinic, “more fun than anything else you can do with your clothes on.” He wasn’t wrong. It will also make you a better stick and rudder pilot.

Not a Cherokee or Grumman driver? There are several type other groups to check out (Bonanzas, Cessnas, Mooney, RV’s etc.).

Cherokees to Oshkosh is NOT a formation performance team. We DO NOT fly 18’ -wingtip to canopy like US Air Force Thunderbirds and the US Navy Blue Angels. We fly ‘ – 50’ apart, or more (where YOU are comfortable). Ed, our Director of Flight Operations reminds us “We are not putting on an airshow – we are flying to one.”

Though not participants all camp with their planes, most participants begin and end each day at our hospitality tent, where we swap stories, and share the “don’t miss, and don’t bother” exhibit booths at Airventure. At the end of every day there are plenty of people with whom you can go hangar flying.

Here are a couple of articles written about Cherokees to Oshkosh:

AOPA website, by AOPA Technical Editor and CtO participant Jill Tallman Around The Patch

Pipers Magazine by Scott Sherer November 2018, page 44 Pipers Magazine November 2018 | Piper Owner Society

Thanks to Jay Selman of Jaybird Aviation Photos for use of his shots at a Cherokees to Oshkosh clinic.

Thanks to Jay Selman of JayBirdAviationPhotos.com for permission to use three of his photos.

You can find details and register at: Home - Cherokees to Oshkosh.


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