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Cherokees to Oshkosh Auction Item

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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2015
Reaction score

7-Day Canadian Fishing Vacation Package for 4 People​

It has always been tradition that Cherokees to Oshkosh solicit sponsorships & donations to offset our registration and operating costs and make the Mass Arrival into Oshkosh (Airventure) as affordable as possible.
As a participant, that resulted in opportunities to receive some significant door prizes, raffle items or ability to bid on silent and live auctions.
In past years we have had many major aviation names donate to Cherokees to Oshkosh. That list of sponsors can be found on our website.

This year we are introducing another means through which ANYONE can participate: Online Auctions
The featured item available for bid is a 7-day Fishing Getaway for 4 people in the Canadian Bush Country, a drive-in outpost fishing camp located 250 miles north of International Falls, Minnesota.

We want to thank our sponsors, Jim and Jillian, owners of the Black Bear Lodge, for allowing us the opportunity to share this unique & exciting experience with all our aviation friends.
Please check out the auction, and let me know if you have any questions.
7-Day Canadian Fishing Vacation Package for 4 People


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