Currently I’ve got a PA-28-180 D model with a 6 pack, no autopilot, and a GNS430W. My AI and DG don’t have much life left so I’m going to pull the trigger on a vacuum delete soon. I’ve looked closely at both a pair of G5s and the Aspen E5 and I’m leaning towards the E5 with the advanced unlock. I also know that I’ll likely add a Trutrak AP down the road. I’m hoping to self-install with supervision and assistance of my IA. My plan would be to include as much of the wiring for the TruTrak as is practical now to ease installation later.
I’ve attached a wiring diagram (simplified) and hope that some of the forum members might be able to answer a couple questions.
Thanks for any feedback and guidance!
I’ve attached a wiring diagram (simplified) and hope that some of the forum members might be able to answer a couple questions.
- I’d like to confirm if the ACU is required. Based on Table 8-4 it appears that several ARINC labels are not sent when and ACU is not installed and it’s not clear to me if they are required for this installation including full HSI and heading/GPSS w/ TruTrack.
- Regarding the GPS ARINC out on the 430W. TruTrak wants the GNS430W configured for GAMA 429 and Aspen wants GAMA 429 Graphics w/ Int. Which should be selected in this configuration?
- The ASPEN install manual instructs you to configure the 430W ARINC IN for “Honeywell EFIS (when using pins 48/49) or EFIS or EFIS/ADC*”. Any guidance on which format is best?
- With the Advanced unlock and access to air data is the serial line the best way to get this info across to the GPS or would that data be included with the Aspen ARINC out? Looking at the install manual Table 8-4 (A429 GPS Output Labels) the only additional data I see delivered by ARINC with an advanced unlock is True Airspeed.
Thanks for any feedback and guidance!