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Bendix King KT74 and GNS interconnect

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Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
I am trying to find some information on this but the KT74 Install manual doesnt include any details or pinout diagrams. So maybe someone here with related experience can help.
1- Is the airspeed switch still required for KT74 for squat input? I read in a few places that newer s/w of KT74 is capable to get that data from GNS430W inputs which eliminates the need for air switch.
2- 430W will receive TIS-A traffic from KT74 on RS232 OR one has to wire ARINC pair to receive that data.
3- What RS232 format/Speed need to be configured for IN/OUT on 430W.

I managed to search a reference from beech forum quoted here in attachment. But still confused about how many actual wires do we need to run between these units? Have to see if there are enough available ARINC ports on GNS430W with a dual G5 setup.


  • KT-74 wiring.png
    KT-74 wiring.png
    319.1 KB

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