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1973 Warrior with 180HP Runout Engine

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Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Hey Everyone,

Im in process of possibly purchasing my first plane to fly for personal use. I came across a 180HP Warrior with a 180HP engine that needs to be overhauled.

Compressions were 74/80, 76/80, 77/80, and 76/80.
Paint 8/10
Interior 6/10

The aircraft is equipped for IFR operations. Avionics include:

-King KMA 134 Audio Panel
-Garmin 430 GPS Nav/Com (warning message for ambient light, but works)
-King KX155 Nav/Com
-Garmin GTX327 Transponder
-Telex PC-4 4-Place Intercom with Dual Push-To-Talk
Annual is due by July 2018
IFR Check is due by July 2019

-Thoughts on the 8500 on the airframe? Too much?
-Engine needs to be overhauled very quickly. $15-$20K for the same 180HP?
-Will the plane perform similar to an Archer with 180HP? Any structural concerns?
-Ownership. Looks like the plane changed hands 3 time since June of 2017 due to a club shutting down. Seems odd to have that many sales in a compressed period of time.

Looking for some input as I have a budget of about $50K and with the purchase, overhaul, etc this should put me in that range....But she's still a 8500 Warrior with a 180HP motor.

Any input is appreciated,



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