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1973 PIPER CHARGER 235 for sale

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New Member
Nov 26, 2014
Reaction score
One of the best equipped Full IFR Cherokees out there, with Garmin GMA 340 4 Place intercom with Pilot/co-pilot Isolation and split com (with aux connection for music), dual GNS 530/430 nav/com gps (with terrain), dual GI 106 A #1 vor indicator/glideslope, Garmin GTX 330 “mode S” transponder (which give you the ability to see traffic on both GPS display), JPI EDM 800 engine analyzer which displays fuel burn & quantity, individual CHT and EGT, oil temp, OAT, Manifold press, RPM, Battery voltage (this unit is connected to the GPS to display fuel burn to destination and ETA for any specific flight plan, acting like a FMS) back up JPI 450 fuel totalizer, Panel mounts for Bose noise canceling headsets, Century Autocontrol III auto pilot ad electric trim; great IFR training platform.

In 1973 Piper came out with the 6 inch fuselage stretch, which means 6 extra inch of much needed knee clearance for your rear passengers, the modern leather Interior is in great shape and it makes this a very comfortable travel machine.

The bullet proof de-rated 235 hp Lycoming 0-540 and the constant speed 2 balde propeller give this aircraft great performance, with a useful load of 1343 lbs. it will carry full fuel (84 gal-6 hours) 4 180 lbs. occupants and 100 lbs. of luggage at about 130 knots IAS.

Although nearing recommended overhaul time of 2000 hour, I’ve heard of people taking this de-rated version of the 0-540’s all the way to 3000 hour; this one in particular has a set of chrome cylinder which do not rust (I have oil analysis results to prove it).

Owned and operated by a licensed aircraft mechanic, meticulously maintained, complete logbooks, no damage history.

TSN 4379

Engine Specs:
TSN 4379 SMHO 1961

SMOH 274


• Garmin GMA 340 audio panel/intercom

• Garmin GNS 530 nav/com gps

• Garmin GNS 430 nav/com gps

• Garmin GI 106 A #1 vor indicator/glideslope

• Garmin GI 106 A #2 vor indicator/glideslope

• Garmin GTX 330 mode s transponder

• JPI EDM 800 engine analyzer

• JPI 450 fuel computer

• 6 pins panel mounts for Bose noise canceling headset

5 out of 10

8 out of 10

Inspection Status:
Annual was completed February 2014


Year: 1973

Manufacturer: PIPER

Model: Charger 235

Location: Newport Beach, California

Condition: Used

Total Time: 4379

Flight Rules: IFR

Number of Seats: 4

visit http://www.aceaircraftsales.com/new-products/ern1623j0bir1jr6rso2ubbtokngh8 for more details!

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