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Jun 23, 2011
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Well I sure some of you saw my post a month or so ago about dealing with my mother that doesnt want me to fly my Cherokee 180 to FL in 2 weeks. Im planning on leaving the 21st started to get excited. I took her for a little evening flight around here and I thought I calmed her down. .

Then this happened Tues morninghttp://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-plane-carrying-5-people-crashes-near-bloomington-airport-20150407-story.html#page=1

If you havent heard about it I guess there was really dense fog in the early morning hours by bloomington, IL and to me just seems like he didn't follow the missed approach procedures. But the weather cant be that far off in 1 hr He left indy from the basketball game around midnight, so im sure he should of known that the weather wasent that good to start with.

Well now my mother is freaking out again and im trying to tell her everything this guy did wrong, before the ntsb does. But I think its a pretty safe bet that this flight should of never been attempted with the conditions and he failed to follow missed approach procedures.

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