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Wherin lies the error - altimeter or encoder?

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Apr 4, 2013
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Ok, so new airplane owner so laugh all you want at this question...

Flying along in my Arrow, ATC routinely reads my altitude as 200feet above what my Altimeter tells me where i'm. Yes, with local altimeter setting.
I have two other sources (Davtron unit that displays; and the KT76C transponder) in the panel that i can get the Pressure Altitude reading from. If i set my altimeter setting to 29.92", then all three are in agreement with eachother. I use this as a reasonableness check.

So, if ATC reads 200' higher (then the dial on the Altimeter) at local altimeter settings, wherein lies the problem? Here is where you can chuckle at a newbee..
I assume that it is with the encoder? If that unit puts out bogus data, then ATC would read bogus data (meaning,it recieves good data upstrea, but corrupts it while processing it for output) . BUT, is it the Altimeter that somehow puts bogus data into the Encoder and then it just dutifully does it digital magic and ATC picks it up?

The plane is coming up for annual and its biannual transponder/pitot static check is due then as well so i suppose the answers will reveal themselves then, but for the time being, it would be good to know what to expect in terms of fixes.

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