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For Sale PA32R-301T Parts & Misc Avionics

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PA-32R-301T, BE36
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
I have some parts from my 1982 PA32R-301T SP for sale. The Engine was a S1AD. Had a new engine installed and it caught fire first flight, bad day! The following spare parts are what I have. No parts are from the aircraft post-fire etc. Some avionics are from my A36 which has a new Dynon panel. I am located at KGDJ if you wish to inspect or pickup.

1) Spark Plugs from the Factory Motor, only used in the factory ground runs. I installed my fine wire plugs which went the plane: 12 Champion RHB37E $300
2) Tachometer - Best Offer
3) S1AD Alternator Belt New - $100
4) Engine Ignition Harness with Bendix Dual Mag Cap (~100 hrs) - $200
5) AC Compressor, Blower & Condenser (Had an extra with the plane - I've never used them) - $400 plus shipping, I am located at KGDJ if you would like to pick up
6) Tug PT2000 - $100 or Best Offer, plus shipping or you pick up

other misc.

1) Garmin 696 (I have two) - $350 each
2) Mountain High - High Pressure Regulator with hose and fitting for a PA32 O2 connection - $650
3) GTX 330 Mode S transponder - $75
4) KFC150 Autopilot - everything including servos, brackets from my A36, KCS-55A HSI, KAS297B Alt Select, KA185 Annunciator Panel,
KI 256, KG258 etc. Does not include the electric trim or wiring harnesses - $1500
5) Vacuum Gage - $50
6) Narco Avionics DME 890 - $150
7) L3Harris WX1000E Storm Scope - $125
8) Sigma Tek 5000EG electric Artificial Horizon - $300
9) Shadin Fuel Computer - $300

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