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Freeflight Ranger FDL-978-RX ADS-B 'IN' Receiver Install

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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2011
Reaction score
I'm upgrading an Avidyne IFD540 installation that has a remote / integrated Avidyne AXP322 transponder to include an ADS-B 'In' solution provided by a Freeflight Ranger receiver (not a receiver / transmitter for standalone ADS-B out ops). I've got an ACK-30 encoder connected to the IFD540 via a parallel grey-code interface, not RS232.

My questions:

- The Freeflight ranger wiring diagram shows an RS232 encoder interface... why does this receiver need altitude encoder inputs since its not broadcasting ADS-B data out...?

- Can the ACK-30 encoder provide BOTH Grey code altitude data AND RS232 data at the same time (so I can wire that to the Freeflight receiver if its required)
- If the ACK-30 can't do both grey code and serial at the same time, and I have to change the ACK-30 to provide serial RS232 to the IFD540 through a spare serial input, can the ACK-30 drive both the IFD and the Ranger unit from the same serial RS232 output?

Thanks in advance,

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