Currently #1 Nav/Com is 430W/GI-106A and had a TKM MX-170B/KI-208 that I didn't purchase w/the plane... Candidates for a #2 Nav/Com range from the new Garmin GNC255 and Trig TX56A (and others I'm sure) to the tried & true SL30 (still carrying a "hefty" (for their age) price tag at around $2.5-3k). Tray/wiring/antenna still in place from the MX170B. Could do another 430/530 W or non-W, or there's the GNC250/300XL and Apollo SL60 out there (currently one on eBay), but screens and database updates are questionable on those. Haven't really considered the touch screen Garmin/Avidyne primarily due to price.
So, curious what y'all are running as #2 to the aforementioned 430W/GI-106A.
Attached a "before" photo... Do have a Sandel SN3308 EHSI to install in the days ahead. I'm not instrument rated by my potential share partner is, so he'd be interested in that capability. Plane has a basic Century I wing leveler/tracker, so upgrade money could be spent there as well. Thanks in advance.
So, curious what y'all are running as #2 to the aforementioned 430W/GI-106A.
Attached a "before" photo... Do have a Sandel SN3308 EHSI to install in the days ahead. I'm not instrument rated by my potential share partner is, so he'd be interested in that capability. Plane has a basic Century I wing leveler/tracker, so upgrade money could be spent there as well. Thanks in advance.