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Upgrading from GPS155 to GPS175

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Mar 22, 2019
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We have a nice (except for avionics) 1967 Cherokee 140 with twin KX125 NAV/COMs, a single KI209 (not 209A), and an ancient non-IFR GPS155 which is not connected to any cdi. It has a stratus ADS-b out transponder (with "in" WiFi module) Other instruments are pretty much standard vintage stuff.

We are looking to replace the GPS155 with a GPS175 set up for IFR. I am hoping to just leave the NAV/COMs and KI209 alone, but fitting in a new dedicated GPS driven cdi in the appropriate area looks to be a challenge. I understand that replacing the vacuum operated DG with a G5 (and magnetometer) would be an option, plus get me a step closer to eventually eliminating the vacuum system.

Comments on this, alternatives, etc are appreciated. I'm getting quotes in the $17k vicinity which seems outrageous, especially since i think the gps155 and 175 fit the same hole.



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