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Trutrak Autopilot/Aspen E5 installed package

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Advanced Aviation Reno
Apr 9, 2017
Reaction score
Reno, NV
We have been discussing this and finally have worked out the details on a fixed price Trutrak (BK Aerocruze) with Aspen E5 installed in your PA28 or PA32

Aspen Evolution E5 & TruTrak Aerocruze 100 Autopilot Bundle deal

From $13,500 Installed with no sales tax to pay as we have a Sales tax abatement here in Nevada that we qualified for.

Price Includes equipment and installation in PA-28/32 Aircraft with no previously installed autopilot system
+$550 If the aircraft has an existing autopilot that needs to be removed.
+Hourly rate charge to relocate antennas etc that obstruct the autopilot installation (Occasionally run into DME or Transponder antennas right where the servos mount)
+Shop supplies fee for wiring and connectors etc (This is for the few switches and breakers not included with the autopilot or Aspen and vacuum pump block off plate, etc...). If there are breakers or switches that can be reused that will reduce this amount. We can give you options on switches and breakers with various prices and let you customize your setup.

Further bundle deals can also be had on those wishing to include an Avidyne IFD Navigator.
To add an IFD440, add $14,000 INSTALLED
To add an IFD540 with remote ADSB out transponder, add $16,500 INSTALLED (As long as Avidyne continues their free transponder with IFD540 purchase deal going on)
+$350 for Waas GPS antenna if there is not one existing on the aircraft already.

We are located in Reno, NV (KRNO) and these are typically a two week install time.
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Bump for post holidays, we all get busy over the holidays and forget about our airplanes...
We have been discussing this and finally have worked out the details on a fixed price Trutrak (BK Aerocruze) with Aspen E5 installed in your PA28 or PA32

Aspen Evolution E5 & TruTrak Aerocruze 100 Autopilot Bundle deal

From $13,500 Installed with no sales tax to pay as we have a Sales tax abatement here in Nevada that we qualified for.

Price Includes equipment and installation in PA-28/32 Aircraft with no previously installed autopilot system
+$550 If the aircraft has an existing autopilot that needs to be removed.
+Hourly rate charge to relocate antennas etc that obstruct the autopilot installation (Occasionally run into DME or Transponder antennas right where the servos mount)
+Shop supplies fee for wiring and connectors etc (This is for the few switches and breakers not included with the autopilot or Aspen and vacuum pump block off plate, etc...). If there are breakers or switches that can be reused that will reduce this amount. We can give you options on switches and breakers with various prices and let you customize your setup.

Further bundle deals can also be had on those wishing to include an Avidyne IFD Navigator.
To add an IFD440, add $14,000 INSTALLED
To add an IFD540 with remote ADSB out transponder, add $16,500 INSTALLED (As long as Avidyne continues their free transponder with IFD540 purchase deal going on)
+$350 for Waas GPS antenna if there is not one existing on the aircraft already.

We are located in Reno, NV (KRNO) and these are typically a two week install time.


May share this with other forums?

Definitely, we are hoping this package will really take off and since I fly behind it myself I'm a big believer in it.

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