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AeroCruze 100/Trutrak and Aspen MFD First Flight

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May 14, 2017
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Just got back from the test flight for the AeroCruze 100 and Aspen MFD intstall. All went well right out of the gate with two small exceptions. Installer mis-labeled source selector switch which had me initially quite perplexed until I figured it out. Other issue was with the lag/over-shoot in Aspen heading mode, but I can deal with that. Otherwise very solid even with afternoon bumps. The second Aspen is great and makes it similar to what I fly at work and is a great learning tool for my boys that are learning.

Next up this week is the Bold Warrior upgrade to 180hp. Stopped by last week to see our newly overhauled exchange engine from Penn Yan on the way back from Sun n Fun and test fly the demo aircraft. This is going to be fun. :)

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