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Tri-Pacer Maintenance

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New Member
May 11, 2013
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Hello, I recently bought a 53' Piper Tri-Pacer and Im looking for a little advice on a few things. I own and operate an automotive repair shop and Im looking at this from a mechanics perspective. The first area of concern for me are the control cables. They appear original and there are no entries in the log books about them ever being changed. Are 60 year old cables ok? They do not appear corroded or frayed that I can see. I have taken the floor panels out and all of the under access panels also. So I have been able to check out pretty much the entire lengths of cables. Basically its just the age that concerning me. Also, the hardware that is holding key points together. Like the wing bolts, strut bolts, cable-to-control attaching bolts. Again, they appear fine, no heavy corrosion or anything, just age and constant moving back and forth. What should I be looking at in particular to this model of aircraft? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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