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TIS-B traffic across the border

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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
About 15 miles north of Cornwall ON, I saw some ADS-B traffic on my GTN 650 screen, 500 ft below me. A moment later someone called 126.7 (our common uncontrolled enroute frequency in Canada) and gave a position report at that location and altitude. I asked him if he had ADS-B out (assuming that it was air-to-air ADS-B traffic) and he said that he had just mode-C.

I'm curious about why I saw that in Canadian airspace. The controlling ATU for IFR flights into Cornwall is actually Boston Centre (it's just north of the US border), so I thought it might be that they extended their TIS-B coverage into Canada a bit, but I didn't see displays for any other traffic around the airport (even stuff that was closer to me).

Any thoughts? Does TIS-B coverage always end right at the US border?

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