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ADS-B 978 weather/traffic in Canada !

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Feb 15, 2012
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Ok, pardon my excitement, I know all this is old hat for our US friends.

But, there is a private project underway in Canada, that has now reached an experimental operational stage with one ground unit broadcasting from the Burlington, Ontario (CZBA) airport. NavCanada, Transport Canada (=FAA) and the the CRTC (=FCC) are not involved, hopefully they don't throw out regulatory obstructions.

Below is a pic of ForeFlight running on my tablet with a Stratus 2s feeding it, but it will show up in any app or hardware (Stratux included) that sniffs out weather and traffic from the US ADS-B 978 type data streams. You can see that there is a transmitter recognized in Burlington (arrow), and sure enough the Brantford Nemo weather (it grabs weather and radar and traffic from a bunch of sources) is available on the weather tab for CYFD, in Foreflight!

It will broadcast nexrad, METARs, Nemoweather, upper winds, possibly NOTAMs and pireps.

Traffic services are pulled from a number of sources, including GliderNet, NemoScout, FlightRadar24 and NemoWX’s ground station network. So, we might even see those pesky gliders!

Now, this transmitter is low power, and will work only within 45nm or so (if you are at altitude), but the possibilities for this are very exciting! Their aspiration with this is to go cross Canada.

More information here:

Canadian Weather Uplink Project

* Orest

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