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Thinking about moving into something faster...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Looking for a little advice here. I've owned my '73 Cherokee Challenger for about 2 years now. I'm at about 375 hours with an instrument rating and have really loved this airplane and taking family trips etc. I've replaced a bunch of stuff (battery, alternator, vacuum pump, DG, interior plastic), added some (JPI 830, GRT mini GA, KT74 ADSB out), and the engine has about 550 SMOH. I've got a lot of confidence in the plane and the costs have kind of settled in (I think) until the next big surprise comes up. I really love the economy of the plane in terms of maintenance costs and also running LOP fuel economy. My family and I just kind of wish it were faster. 3 to 3.5 hours seems to be their max tolerance for a leg. I really love the simplicity of the Cherokee and like the idea that I can afford to fix anything that breaks.

So I'm torn because I know moving into a faster plane means higher maintenance costs, and a bunch of upfront costs of configuring the plane how I want it (which is fun but expensive!). For me, there's also some of the hassle and second guessing the condition of a newly purchased plane...even after a thorough pre-buy there are stills a bunch of things that come up.

I've been thinking about improving the audio panel, adding one of the STC'd autopilots that may come to market next year, and redo-ing the seats. But I need to decide if I'm going to move up or make these improvements.

If anyone has found themselves at a similar crossroads and has any advice it would be appreciated. Some priorities in a faster plane:

1) economical (maintenance)
2) economical (fuel burn)
3) stable IFR platform
4) 950+ useful load
5) 4 hour range
6) interior not more cramped than my '73 Cherokee 180.

I'm learning about planes that might fit this mission. Doesn't have to be a Piper...been thinking about the Bonanza F33A a bit. Any suggestions or resources for learning are appreciated. I realize this is a Piper forum... haha.

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