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Aug 21, 2010
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Merrill's height adjustment post made me think about this...

I have a '73 -180 ("Challenger") and the front seats do not (currently) have headrests. The current upholstery does not include a slot for one; it just wraps over the top as if no headrest was ever there.

I recently saw crash photos of a '73 Challenger where front headrests were visible. The rest of the plane appeared to be unmodified/unimproved, so I suspect that was original equipment.

Does anyone know if headrests were standard or if some seats had them and some didn't? I'm going to be redoing my interior soonish, and I'm wondering if I will find when I remove the old upholstery that the seat frame would accommodate a headrest, so I just need to acquire a couple, or if maybe I've got seat frames that just don't support headrests.

Is there anything I might be able to feel beneath the padding that would give me a clue one way or the other, or will it just remain a mystery until I remove the current covering?

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