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Tach just started to read 300 RPM high

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Jan 30, 2018
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
On take off of my Pa28-151 Warrior I noted that my full power was giving me in excess of redline (2700) RPM but still sounded and acted normal. After getting to safe altitude I pulled throttle back and started problem solving. It ended up that my tach was suddenly off by approximately 300 RPM. I confirmed this diagnosis with a hand held tach on the prop. I’m now looking at getting the tachometer either rebuilt or replaced. If I had disposable income I would opt for an engine monitor that would act as primary tach, but that’s not in the budget. After looking around I’m leaning on replacing it with the Electronics International A1 electronic tach that pulls the data from the mags. Does anyone have any Pireps on these, as once ordered they are set to your specifications of red and yellow arc, and your current tach time.

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