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Switch-Breaker combo for avionics master

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2015
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My airplane is in the shop for a major panel upgrade. As part of the upgrade, they are replacing all my ancient flush circuit breakers with physically smaller Klixon breakers so that I can increase from 28 breakers to about 40 (and be able to pull them if needed). That part is fine, but I need to figure out what to do about my avionics master switch.

My airplane's avionics master is connected to a solenoid and there is a second (I assume heavy duty) switch connected in parallel in case the first one fails (which happened about a year ago and I had the solenoid replaced).

My shop is suggesting to get rid of the solenoid and just use a switch/breaker for the master and they can still put a second one in parallel if I want. These would be placed in the new circuit breaker layout rather than up on the panel.

I read about the 2013 SAIB for Tyco and Potter Brumfield W31 switch/breakers which I gather have been redesigned to address the SAIB.


So what do you think is the best way to handle the avionics master:

1. The current solenoid + backup parallel switch.
2. Tyco or Potter Brumfield W31s mounted in the CB panel.
3. Klixon 7270-1 breaker/switches mounted in the CB panel - very expensive at $150ea.
4. Something else?

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