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Stall warning heater issue - Seneca

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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2017
Reaction score
Not sure whether to post this here or on 'Twins'.

Our Seneca V has two stall warners - one mid wing, one further out. The heat on the inner one works fine, the one on the outer one doesn't.

We will get our shop to check the wiring and volts at the heater terminals but most likely cause of failure is the heater coil.

These units are just crazy expensive to expensive to replace for what they are. Assuming it is the heater coil then all it can be is a wire wound resistor that allows a few amps to flow through it when 24V DC is applied from the switch.

Has anyone got any idea of a source of the heater coils? Someone must make them and they really can't be that difficult to replace....


Paul Sherry
Hawarden (EGNR), UK

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