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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
Hi, everyone. As many of you already know, I've been dealing with serious health issues since last October, including 3 1/2 months in hospital after a cancer diagnosis and a related spinal injury, and I just wanted to give a quick update: I am home, and while I'm still using a wheelchair for my primary mobility, I'm increasingly on my feet using a walker, and just managed to climb my first stairs yesterday, so I'm hoping to at least be able to get myself into @Warrior 151 's PA-28-151 for a promised ride later this spring or summer.

My Piper is still pickled sitting out in the field. I'm getting my last radiation treatments in May, and after that, I'll have a conversation with Transport Canada to see if there's any chance of a class 3 or 4 medical in my future, given my condition and medications (in the U.S. it would be a definite "no" because one of my key meds is on the banned list, but Transport Canada is more flexible and works on a case-by-case basis). If it doesn't seem likely that I'll ever be PIC again, then I'll be selling a PA-28-161 with decent avionics (GTN 650, GTX 345 transponder, and an STEC-20 A/P with GPSS) later this year, but if I can manage even just a class 4 medical and Recreational Pilot Permit, then I'll hang onto the plane.

I haven't been too active here because it reminds me that I can't fly right now, and that makes me a bit sad with the nice spring weather arriving, but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.

Happy skies!

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