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Hello from Houston Area!

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Apr 12, 2021
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Hey! My names Chris, I'm a 30 year old private pilot student training out of KDWH just north of Houston. I train in a 1969 PA-28-141, with much of it's original charm still in tact, with maybe some minor upgrades in the 80's. I'm part of a flight club, and am training with an instructor rather than going through a school. I've passed my written and medical and am looking forward to my first solo soon! Just waiting for schedules and weather to align. Planning on finishing my requirements in the first half of this year provided the plane stays in service (annual is this month).

Long term, I'm looking to buy an airplane. Either a Piper Warrior II/III (or a Warrior with the HP increase) on my own or if I can find the right partnership(s) I'd like to get my hands on a Cherokee 6 300 (like I'm sure many would). So, if you're in the area and are looking for a partner, hit me up. I could be talked into a variety of partnerships probably, so if you're local and looking please PM me and we'll exchange contact info. I'm a big nerd, and intend on spending some cash on avionics. So if you drool over new avionics like I do, we'd be a good match. Worst case scenario, would be fun to have more local friends who are pilots.

Excited to be a part of this community, and learn more about the planes that I hope to take my family in someday soon.

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