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Quick Drain Oil Sump Plug

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Jan 14, 2020
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HELP!!! I have a 1981 Piper Turbo Arrow IV with the TSIO 360 FB series engine. I am in need of help to either repair or replace my Oil Sump Quick Drain Plug. As you can see from the photos there is little room for anything between the oil sump plug and the bell crank plate for the nose gear steering. Here's the problem... It leaks... a lot! I have looked through the engine logs and the mechanic who installed the quick drain failed to put a part number in his documentation... back in 2000. I have looked online for this particular drain plug and have not been able to identify it. I'm hoping that one of you more seasoned pilots and mechanics can identify it and help me find a part number and even a supplier. I am happy to replace it with something similar but most everything I see out there is too long to fit in the space. I need a low-profile quick drain to replace it. I have a 90 deg adapter to drain the oil. Specifically, I need a 5/8"-18 thread low-profile quick drain. To answer an obvious question of why not use the original plug and not a quick drain?... because, to drain the oil that way creates a huge mess, and the lower cowling must come off to do so. The quick drain allows me to eliminate the mess and not have to take the lower cowling off. Any help would be much appreciated. If anyone knows if the plug is fixable with an O-ring or something that information would be helpful as well. Thanks for your time.


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