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Pre-buy inspection list from AI

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New Member
Apr 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all,

I am in the process of purchasing a 1972 Arrow and it's in the pre-buy stage. The mechanic doing the inspection has a list of items that he's saying should be attended to (the first list is the responsibility of the seller, the second would be my responsibility)

Of course I'm inclined to take care of everything, but I am wondering if there is any particular experience/advice you all have with any of these items before I give the green light.

Here's the list:

Un-Airworthy items:
1. Both lower engine rubber Berry Mounts installed backwards.
2. No grommets in aft top baffling where fuel lines come through.
3. Engine crankcase vent tube wrong size 5/8 reduced to 1/2 inch. Needs same size throughout.
4. Forward lower cowling hardware, by doors missing.
5. Aft muffler broken out on L/H side, requires replacement.
6. Entry door latch linkage broken, No pin protruding out top aft corner.

The following items may want to be corrected at this time.
1. Fuel snubber valve, on air intake plantuimn, leaking out oil. (normally you see fuel)
2. R/H MLG show signs of excessive wetting. (Re-pack strut)
3. Center NLG Steering linkage bell crank has worn bushings.
4. Air intake tubes have heavy oil leakage on outside (could explain #1 above)
valve guide wear? on both #1 & #2 Cylinders. Photo's available on request.
5. No oil quick drain valve installed.
6. Fresh air cowling SCAT hose torn.
7. Several sections of engine baffling top R/H side torn.
8. Hole chaffed in aft top baffling section from previous engine.

Any advice/direction would be very appreciated.

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