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New FAA Medical policy

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
Reaction score

"As of Jan. 1, 2025 any deferrals by AMEs to the FAA that are not accompanied by all the required examinations and paperwork will be denied."

I have had experience with this when I had a Third Class certificate. Satisfying the FAA to get a Special Issuance was particularly difficult because they put ehir requirements in prose, not a table, and sometimes the titles on the reports weren't EXACTLY what they wanted. I got so I would make a copy of thier letter, annotate the individual requirements (e.g. A1, A1,...etc) and them mark the corresponding reports with the annotated requirements. My first SI took six months to get approved, with multiple report submissions, including one set that was "lost", although I had the signed receipt from FedEx.

When I started the process, you could hire a retired FAA administrative person to "walk" the application thru..

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